A bit of self-promotion... :)

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Meet the gang!

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like announce the stars of our show...

Heh, jokes aside, here are my three (baby) tarantulas. Milan (Albopilosum), Petar (Boehmei) and Nina (Parahybana). There are just a start to my new collection, which is growin each day! ;)
They all follow the late Johnny (B. Vagans) who died in a accident ... But that is a completely different story.

They are all within my collection for about two months now! Not much, but I'm just getting started. Pretty soon my room will be crawling with tarantulas and other arachnids ... Heh, my girlfriend will just go mad! :)

The technical (Biological) data I will leave out. Be sure to check out the care sheets on the net. There are plenty.

If you are interested in keeping these critters and live in Serbia here are a few links where you can get started :

Teraristika.org < --- The best Serbian forum for this kind of stuff



Respect to these guys @ teraristika.org

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Universal cell phone charger

Hmm... This sounds interesting.

It seem that a group of mobile phone manufacturers has come up with an idea to produce phones with a universal charger support. So that when you change a phone brand, you don't have to change your charger. Apparently they will use the micro-USB connection, which I welcome the most (you can find that cable anywhere now).

I agree that this is a good move, when you go to your friends house, and your Nokia battery is low. You simply take his Samsung charger and of you go.

BUT (yep here is the BUT), when you decide to buy a new phone, well you WILL buy a new charger with it. So, this makes that universality (that is the word, right?) obsolete? A good thing to ponder. But as anything goes, i welcome this move. It will make my fears of a battery low go away! :)

mtsmondo.com )

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Contact info

Oh, yeah, if you wanna contact me (feel free to) you can do that in various ways:

MSN: t34.mod.85[at]hotmail.com

ICQ (yep, I still use this one): 288735881

Skype: Focke_Wulf-190

My profile page

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My first blog ...

Hi, and hello Well, this is THE start of my new (hopefully) successful weBLOG. I'm gonna try my best for this one not to turn up like many other dead blogs out there in the internet. Really gonna try and put my mark on the internet, and maybe entertain and (even) educate someone. If you like what you see, all I need is a thanks. :)

So... What is gonna be in this blog? Hmmm... An interesting question. Well, even I don't quite know what will I put in, but be sure it will be entertaining. The only thing is, to whom will it be interesting.

Let's put in a few words about myself...
Well, as you can see my name is Darko, I come from a town of Subotica. I am an IT professional, for some years now ( I am a begginer though ). Yep, thats all you need to know, now. Don't expect to know my favourte books, movies, music and meals ... Heh, that is not interesting, trust me. ;)

Well, that should wrap it up now... Oh yeah, if you see a post in Serbian, don't get alarmed. I maybe wanna let of some steam, so it is quite easier to write in Serbian ;)

'till next time

P.S. - That guy in the picture tasting the Hungarian Gulash, yep ... Thats me!

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